Halq'eméylem Lullabies and Daily Phrases
Roxanne DoolHSS - Room 31
In Halq'eméylem lullabies and daily phrases, we will learn 2 - 4 lullabies, 3 games, and daily phrases that can be used in the classroom. This workshop will be interactive with a small handout.
Roxanne Dool is from Squiala First Nation in Chilliwack BC.
Roxanne started learning Halq’eméylem in 2014. Roxanne has participated in First People's Cultural Council's Mentor Apprentice Program (MAP). Through MAP, she has completed 900 hours of learning Halq'eméylem one on one with two Elder language speakers.
Roxanne promotes family language learning at home and in the community. She examples language learning with her family and helps organizations incorporate Halq’eméylem lullabies and phrases into their routines.