Embracing the Wisdom of Trauma

Embracing the Wisdom of Trauma

Dr. Bernard KlopHSS - Room 1

Participants will watch Dr. Gabor Mate's Wisdom of Trauma documentary. This will be followed by a facilitated discussion on the multifaceted ways trauma can impact our lives, with a focus on strategies we can use to harness the power of our own incredible neurobiology to bring healing.

Bernard has extensive clinical training in understanding the vicarious impacts of complex traumas on bodies, minds, and hearts. His goal is to bring insight and understanding to the unseen processes that negatively affect our well-being, thereby helping individuals compassionately embrace change. Bernard has worked in various capacities within the educational system, working as a teacher, administrator and district counsellor. Currently, he is the Acting District Vice-Principal of Inclusive Education and Student Mental Health Support for SD 78.

Fri 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
25 max
intermediate, primary, secondary